Oil & Gas

Polymet’s industrial line of hard-facing and welding wire is used heavily in the oil & gas industry. Our POLYSTEL line of cobalt alloys 1, 6, 12, & 21 is used for applications such as valve seats, valve gates, extrusion screws, dies, bearing areas, chain saw bars, saw teeth, plugs, impeller screws, slurry pipe and many other kinds of wear and corrosion.

With Polymet you can rest assured knowing you will be receiving the highest quality hardfacing and welding wire.


PMET # Trade Name Specification
PolyStel 1 Cobalt Alloy 1 AWS A5.21 & AWS A5.13: ERCCoCr-C, ERCoCr-C, ECoCr-C
PolyStel 6 Cobalt Alloy 6 AWS A5.21& AWS A5.13: ERCCoCr-A, ERCoCr-A, ECoCr-A
PolyStel 12 Cobalt Alloy 12 AWS A5.21& AWS A5.13: ECCoCr-B, ERCoCr-B, ECoCr-B
PolyStel 21 Cobalt Alloy 21 AWS A521 & AWS A5.13: ERCCoCr-E, ERCoCr-E, ECoCr-E
PolyWear 50 Ni Cr Si B AWS A5.21 ERCNiCr-B
PolyWear 60 Ni Cr Si B AWS A5.21 ERCINiCr-C
PolyTung NiBWC Ni B WC
PolyTung NiCrBWC Ni Cr B WC

PolyStel 1

COBALT ALLOY 1 – AWS A5.21 & AWS A5.13: ERCCoCr-C, ERCoCr-C, ECoCr-C

Characteristics and Composition

Metal Cored PolyStel 1 is a cobalt-based metal cored wire. It produces a deposit that exhibits excellent abrasion and corrosion resistance for applications where severe abrasion and moderate impact is encountered. PolyStel 1M contains a higher percentage of carbides than deposits from PolyStel 6 and PolyStel 12 which contribute to the exceptional wear resistance and superior hardness of this alloy. PolyStel 1M derives its high temperature hardness and matrix toughness from the addition of tungsten. Due to the high sensitivity to check cracking, when welding this alloy proper precautions should be made to minimize cooling stresses. This alloy can be applied to any weldable steel, including all grades of stainless steel.

Solid PolyStel 1 is an excellent high temperature wear resistance alloy consisting of a rich cobalt matrix with a high degree of chromium and tungsten carbides. The alloy is excellent when used in high temperature abrasive wear applications. It can also be specified in a number of different corrosive medias such as down hole sour gas applications.

PolyStel 1 Coated Electrodes form a low carbon, austenitic deposit with excellent work hardening properties, high temperature strength, and impact resistance. Some common applications for PolyStel 1 coated electrodes include:

  • Wear pads
  • Mixer Rotors
  • Pump sleeves

PolyStel 6


Characteristics and Composition

Metal Cored PolyStel 6 is a cobalt-based metal cored wire, equivalent in nominal chemical composition, physical properties, and performance properties to the Stellite 6 brand of cobalt-based metal cored wire. Cobalt alloy 6 is considered the principal cobalt alloy in terms of versatility and resistance to many forms of mechanical and chemical deterioration over an extensive temperature range. PolyStel 6 (Stellite 6 equivalent) attributes its outstanding self-mated anti-galling properties to the high alloy content of the matrix, namely the chromium carbides contained in the deposit. Popular applications for this alloy include hardfacing applications when wear is complimented by corrosion and/or elevated temperatures such as valve seats and bearing areas. This alloy an be applied to any weldable steel, including all grades of stainless steel.

Solid PolyStel 6 is designed for high temperature applications. PolyStel 6 provides excellent wear resistance in abrasion as well as in metal to metal applications. Wear resistance is provided by the complex chromium and tungsten carbides that are supported in a rich cobalt matrix. PolyStel 6 is also resistant to oxidation up to its melting range and can be satisfactorily specified in sour gas as well as other corrosive applications.

PolyStel 6 cast rods and coated electrodes are also comparable to the Stellite 6 brand products in terms of chemistry, properties and performance. Popular SMAW applications include: shear blades, fluid flow valves, extrusion screws, roll bushings, valve bearing surfaces, and other applications where high temperatures are experienced.

PolyStel products are manufactured and sold by Polymet Corporation. Stellite brand products are manufactured and sold by Kennametal, Inc. Polymet Corporation and Kennametal, Inc. are not affiliated and Kennametal does not endorse PolyStel products.


PolyStel 12

COBALT ALLOY 12 – AWS A5.21& AWS A5.13: ECCoCr-B, ERCoCr-B, ECoCr-B

Characteristics and Composition

Metal Cored PolyStel 12 is a cobalt-based metal cored wire. PolyStel 12 is equivalent in nominal chemical composition, physical properties, and performance properties to the Stellite brand. PolyStel 12 cored wire meets AWS A5.21 ERCCoCr-B. It is considered an intermediate between PolyStel 6 and PolyStel 1. PolyStel 12 has a higher hardness and better resistance to all types of wear, including galling, due to the large fraction of hard, brittle chromium carbides. This alloy’s high-temperature properties (up to 1292°F) are derived from the alloy’s higher tungsten content. PolyStel 12 is mainly used in applications that require the deposit to endure abrasion, heat, and corrosion such as knife cutting edges for the timber, paper, and plastics industry. This alloy can be applied to any weldable steel, including all grades of stainless steel.

Solid PolyStel 12 is a cobalt-based care cast rod version of Cobalt Alloy 12 that has been hot forged into small diameter wire, using Polymet’s hot extruded wire process. PolyStel 12 has excellent resistance to many forms of chemical and mechanical degradation over a wide temperature range. PolyStel 12 attributes are its anti-galling properties, abrasion, corrosion resistance, and oxidation resistance up to its melting range. It can be applied to all weldable steels, including stainless steels.


PolyStel products are manufactured and sold by Polymet Corporation. Stellite brand products manufactured and sold by Kennametal, Inc. are not affiliated and Kennametal does not endorse PolyStel products.


PolyStel 21

COBALT ALLOY 21 – AWS A521 & AWS A5.13: ERCCoCr-E, ERCoCr-E, ECoCr-E

Characteristics and Composition

PolyStel 21 has excellent resistance to many forms of chemical and mechanical degradation over a wide temperature range. PolyStel 21 is an excellent alloy for corrosion resistance, galling, cavitation, and metal to metal wear resistance. PolyStel 21 products are equivalent in nominal chemical compositions, physical properties, and performance properties to the Stellite brand. PolyStel 21 products meet the requirements of AWS A 5.21 ERCCoCr-E, ERCoCr-E, and ECoCr-E.

PolyStel products are manufactured and sold by Polymet Corporation. Stellite brand products manufactured and sold by Kennametal, Inc. are not affiliated and Kennametal does not endorse PolyStel products.


PolyWear 50


PolyWear 60


PolyTung NiBWC

Characteristics and Composition

POLYTUNG NiBWC is a high quality tungsten carbide metal cored wire ideal for protecting your equipment in the harshest environments. When welded this material has excellent fine particle erosion and corrosion resistance. POLYTUNG NiBWC will increase the life of your parts, reducing downtime and increasing productivity.

Applications for POLYTUNG NiBWC include: drill bits and stabilizers, dredge cutter teeth & heads, mud pumps, and other applications in a variety of industries.

POLYTUNG is a nickel silicon boron matrix system with WC particles. This combination produces a superior microstructure when welded.

Tungsten carbide hardfacing wire - GMAW

POLYTUNG NiBWC micrograph taken at 200X magnification

0.33B 3

PolyTung NiCrBWC

Characteristics and Composition

POLYTUNG NiCrBWC is a nickel chrome boron silicon matrix system, with 38-44% tungsten carbide particles. This combination produces a superior micro-structure when welded and has excellent fine particle erosion, corrosion and toughness. The low heat input when welding POLYTUNG NiCrBWC reduces the amount of tungsten carbide particles going into solution. Deposits are not machinable and can not be flame cut.

PMET # Competitor equivalents DESCRIPTION
PMET 540  Tafa 02Z Zinc
PMET 590 Tafa 10T, Sprabronze AA Al Bronze
PMET 699 Tafa 01T, Metco Al Aluminum
PMET 860 Tafa 71T, Metco 8625 Alloy 625
PMET 876 Tafa 77T, Metco 8276 Alloy C-276

PMET 540

Characteristics and Composition

PMET 540 is a 99.99% pure zinc wire specifically designed for spraying in arc spray and flame spray systems. It produces a dense, well bonded coating that is ideal for corrosion protection of steel, electrical conductivity, applications and mold making. It is also used as a bond coat when spraying metals onto non-metallic substrates.

Equivalent to:


Rockwell Hardness 65-70 B   Diameter (in)-1/16, 1/8, (mm)-1.6, 3.2


PMET 590

Characteristics and Composition

PMET 590 is specifically designed for spraying in arc spray or flame spray systems. It produces extremely well-bonded coatings with excellent machinability. PMET 590 has good corrosion resistance, along with good resistance to mechanical and thermal shock. It is particularly applicable to bond coats and machine element restoration work.

Equivalent to:


Sulzer Metco Sprabronze AA

Rockwell Hardness 62-68 B   Diameter (in)-1/16, 1/8, (mm)-1.6, 3.2

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PMET 699

Characteristics and Composition

PMET 699 is a 99.5% pure aluminum wire specifically designed for thermal spraying. It produces dense, well bonded coatings with excellent corrosion resistance, electrical conductivity and machinability. PMET 699 is used widely for atmospheric and immersion corrosion applications, electrical conductivity applications and dimensional restoration of aluminum based components.

Equivalent to:


Sulzer Metco Al

Rockwell Hardness 60-65 B   Diameter (in)-1/16, 1/8, (mm)-1.6, 3.2


PMET 860

Characteristics and Composition

PMET 860 is a high purity nickel chrome wire specifically designed for arc spraying. It produces dense, well-bonded coatings with resistance to corrosion, and stress cracking in caustic mediums.

Equivalent to:


Sulzer Metco 8625

Rockwell Hardness 90-95 B   Diameter (in)-1/16, (mm)-1.6


PMET 876

Characteristics and Composition

PMET 876 is a high purity nickel-chrome-moly-tungsten (Alloy C-276) wire specifically designed for arc spraying. It produces dense, well-bonded coatings with good resistance to corrosion, and stress cracking in caustic, acidic and chloride mediums. It’s high hardness makes it very resistant to abrasion and metal wear.

Equivalent to:


Sulzer Metco 8276

Rockwell Hardness 30-40 C   Diameter (in)-1/16, (mm)-1.6